[Solved]Keras import package error: import error: cannot import name ‘get_ config’

[Solved]Keras import package error: import error: cannot import name 'get_ config'

Keras import package error: cannot import name ‘get_config’ Solution of Keras import package error : Introduction to Keras import package error Ah, the joys of programming! One moment, you’re blissfully coding away, and the next, you’re hit with an error that makes you question your life choices. If you’ve ever faced the infamous “ImportError: cannot … Read more

[Solved] MYSQL Create TIMESTAMP and Save Error: ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for ‘last_updated_on’

[Solved] MYSQL Create TIMESTAMP and Save Error: ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for ‘last_updated_on’

[Solved] MYSQL Create TIMESTAMP and Save Error: The backbone of many applications, the unsung hero behind countless websites, and yet, it occasionally throws a curveball that leaves developers scratching their heads. One such notorious error is: ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for ‘last_updated_on’ If you’ve landed here, chances are you’ve encountered this pesky problem … Read more

[Solved] hcitool Error: Set scan parameters failed: Operation not permitted

[Solved] hcitool Error: Set scan parameters failed: Operation not permitted

Ah, Bluetooth, the invisible magic that connects our devices wirelessly. But what happens when this magic fails, and all you get is a dreaded error message like “hcitool Error: Set scan parameters failed: Operation not permitted”? It feels like your devices are mocking you, doesn’t it? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark … Read more

[Solution] GBase 8a V95 Replace Node Error: single VC mode does not support ‘–freenode’

GBase 8a V95 Replace Node Error: single VC mode does not support ‘–freenode’

GBase 8A v95 Replace Node Error: Supports the fast replacement of failed nodes through free nodes (omitting checking the installation and configuration process that’s why omitting the need to find the installation package )  However, the free node is only for the VC enabled.  For single VC, there is a mode compatible with the V8 version, the … Read more

[Solved] Unlock Python Keras Error: AttributeError Guide in 2024: ‘Sequential‘ object has no attribute ‘predict_classes’

Python Keras Error: AttributeError: ‘Sequential‘ object has no attribute ‘predict_classes'

This article is about Python Keras Error: AttributeError using Keras in Python to execute yhat_classes = model.predict_classes(X_test) code with an error: AttributeError: ‘Sequential’ object has no attribute ‘predict_classes’ solution. This prediction was removed in the TensorFlow version 2.6_ Classes function. Reference documents: https://keras.rstudio.com/reference/predict_proba.html#details The following codes can be used: Or You can also try tensorflow 2.5 … Read more

[Solved] lto1: fatal error: bytecode stream..generated with LTO version 6.2 instead of the expected 8.1

lto1 fatal error bytecode stream

lto1: fatal error coming in ubuntu Compile libxml2-2.9.1 in ./configure & make & make install lto1: fatal error: lto1: fatal error Solution :  To solve this you need to do- Also Read: https://eng.coderscanteen.com/sun-security-pkcs-not-found/ Ah, the joys of programming! There you are, diligently working on your project, everything seems to be going smoothly, and then BAM! … Read more

[Solved] Python serialization error: NameError: name ‘JSON’ is not defined: Best Guide in 2024

Python serialization error: NameError:

Error content: NameError: name ‘json’ is not defined Prompt: JSON is not defined; JSON used in serialization: The error is generated due to not presence of JSON.  JSON is a python library. To overcome this, you need to import JSON. You can import JSON directly. Also, read | [Solved] Networkx Error: Attributeerror: ‘graph’ object has … Read more

[Solved] Networkx Error: Attributeerror: ‘graph’ object has no attribute ‘node’

Networkx Error: Attributeerror: ‘graph’ object has no attribute ‘node’

On the path of learning networks, there is a Networkx Error: Attributeerror encountered  when you view the nodes :attribute error: ‘graph’ object has no attribute ‘node’ appears due to the lower version or old version of networks having the node attribute, and the higher or updated version of networks does not use the node attributes. … Read more